Friday, March 6, 2009


I am so bored..nothing new.. everyday is the same... nothing exciting.. any volunteer to excite me.. haha.. i was practising myself to play musical keyboard.. thanks to my friend, Sazali for borrowing it to me. I am improving.. at least i can coordinate and control my fingering better... but all this is just for leisure and fun.. i feel relax when playing my own tune.. hmmmm.. i think i want to buy an expensive acoustic guitar.. why cant they accept instalment payment for guitar purchase.. if can... i would have grabbed one.  well... for those who thinks that when you wish for something after you saw a shooting star..  let me tell you, it will  not come true.. cause i have came across dozens times.. i did try.. but nothing happen.. haha.. so i do not believe it. Alright, that is all i can say for now.. byezzzz!!!